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Mud Shell

Mud Shell / Mud-spraying drones build prototype for
emergency homes
Dezeen Awards 2019

Mud Shell, a sturdy domed shelter from bags of hay attached to a wooden lattice that was then sprayed with a mixture of clay and fibre using a drone. The resulting structure can be constructed rapidly, in this case just four days, from cheap, lightweight and readily available materials. It combines the ancient building techniques of wattle and daub with cutting edge drone application technology. Little sacking bags filled with hay were mounted on a formwork of wooden struts arranged in a dome shape. The drone-sprayed coating binds the structure together, making it durable, weatherproof and permanent.

Project Name:

Mud Shell


London Design Festival, London Southbank


Installation Design




MuDD Architects

Presse                                  Emploi                                Mentions legales                           Egalite d´opportunite
 MuDD Architects SL CIF B42828319                                            Seguro Poliza Catalana Occidente 8-10.272.709-K                      Numéro COAC Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya 78329                

Agence Stéphanie Chaltiel Paris siret 88793185500027 

Assurance MAF 800538 

Numéro de l'Ordre des architectes PS0887

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